Diaemus Bat
Diaemus Bat is an albino character created using the a facial prosthetic sculpt I created for a previous makeup. Piece was original created for the 2015 CryptTV short called “Project Hope” directed by Chelsea Stardust Peters.
Also used to complete the look, a plastic bald cap, foam latex prosthetic ears and classic & small fangs by Scarecrow Vampire Fangs.
White-winged vampire bat is the only member in the genus “Diaemus”
- Telesis 8F Adhesive and Thinner
- Skin Illustrator Zerocolor Powder
- Ben Nye – Cine Light Tan & Porcelain
- Green Marble Sealer
- Skin Illustrator – Bone, Grey Matter, Din, Light Mauve, Asylum, Coven, Capillary, Sand, Soot & White
- Stilla Eyeliner in Pearl
- Wolfe FX Hydrocolor – White
- Mouthfx – Down Brown